April 23, 2009

CVS : Concurrent Versions System

I started learning some courses using MIT Open CourseWare, some of the courses need to have softwares like Eclipse,CVS etc. Let's see how to install a CVS Server in your Ubuntu Machine.

Concurrent Versions System (CVS), is a free software revision control system. Version control system software keeps track of all work and all changes in a set of files, and allows several developers to collaborate.

Install and Configure CVS Server

You can install CVS files by typing sudo apt-get install cvs in your terminal.

Then we need to install the CVS server by entering sudo apt-get install cvsd in your terminal.

Type in “/cvsrepo” when the cvsd prompts to enter a Repository.
(make sure the directory "cvsrepo" exists, if not create a directory with the command sudo mkdir /cvsrepo)

Now change the directories permissions using the command sudo chown -R cvsd:cvsd /cvsrepo

once the installation is completed, goto /var/lib/cvsd by typing cd /var/lib/cvsd in your terminal.

You can use sudo cvsd-buildroot /var/lib/cvsd to create a cvs build root directory.

Now initialize the cvs repository using the command sudo cvs -d /var/lib/cvsd/cvsrepo init

Creating a CVS user Account

sudo cvsd-passwd /var/lib/cvsd/cvsrepo +username can be used to create a new cvs account.

NB replace username with your desired user name (for example John).

Test your CVS Repository

cvs -d :pserver:testusername@localhost:/cvsrepo login

cvs -d :pserver:testusername@localhost:/cvsrepo checkout

Now everything is set and your cvs server is ready to fly. Experiment with it.

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